Thursday 10 October 2024

Struggling to Study for the FE Exam? Here's How to Get Back on Track

Struggling to Study for the FE Exam
Studying for a long and difficult exam like the FE can quickly zap your motivation, especially if you’ve been out of school for a few years. If you’re finding it hard to sit down and study consistently, try some of these tips to get back on track.

Make a Study Schedule and Stick to It

Having a solid study plan is key to passing the FE exam. Outline all the topics you need to cover and break them into manageable chunks. Block off 2-3 hours per day where you will solely focus on studying. Treat this study time as seriously as you would a work commitment. Studying consistently, even in small increments, is far more effective than cramming for 8 hours straight one weekend. Use a calendar to schedule your study sessions and highlight your FE exam date.

Hold Yourself Accountable

It’s easy to blow off a study session if you’re only letting yourself down. Enlist others to hold you accountable to your study schedule. Join an in-person or online FE exam study group and commit to attending the meetings. Tell a friend or family member about your study plan and ask them to check in on your progress. Having an exterior commitment to a study group or an accountability partner can motivate you to follow through.

Make Studying More Fun

There are many ways to add enjoyment to studying for a standardized test. Play upbeat music in the background to make your study environment more lively. Use different-colored highlighters and pens to make note-taking more interesting. Print out inspirational quotes related to perseverance and tape them up around your desk. Schedule study sessions with friends when possible, as group suffering can sometimes be more tolerable.

Track Your Progress

Seeing measurable progress as you study can reignite your motivation. At the start, take a practice exam to benchmark where you are. As you work through your study plan, retake practice tests under timed conditions every few weeks. Seeing your scores steadily improve will validate that your studying is paying off. Celebrate milestones along the way to keep up the momentum.

Find the Right Space & Time to Study

Not everyone can focus at a desk for hours. Figure out when and where you study best. If possible, dedicate a desk or room just for FE exam studying that is free of distractions. Experiment with different settings like a library or coffee shop if you like some ambient noise. Determine when you feel most alert and energetic - morning or night owl schedules are fine as long as you are consistent. Having a reliable study space set-up can make it easier to get started each day.

Break Up Your Routine

Too much routine can also zap motivation over time. Build in some variety to renew your interest and energy levels. Alternate between textbook reading, video lessons, practice tests, flashcards, group study, and self-quizzing. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new study methods like mind maps, mnemonic devices, or apps if you feel your routine getting stale. Just be careful not to add so much new stuff that you lose focus.

Make Checklists

Checking off completed tasks triggers a rush of feel-good dopamine in the brain. Make a master FE exam topic checklist and break it down into daily checklists. Cross off chapters, practice tests, problems, equations – whatever measurable tasks you can define. Seeing your checklist dwindle day by day provides tangible proof of your progress.

Take Study Breaks

Rigidly studying for hours on end can lead to burnout. Schedule regular short breaks where you completely step away. Stretch your legs, grab a snack, respond to emails – anything to briefly disrupt your focus. Try setting a timer for 45-50 minutes of concentrated studying, then take a 5-10 minute break. These short breaks will help you recharge.

Find Your Motivation

Connecting to your own personal motivations can sustain you through the extended FE exam study period. Remind yourself why you need to pass this exam and what doors it will open in your career. Revisit what drew you to engineering in the first place. Read inspirational quotes from accomplished engineers. Watch motivational videos on YouTube. Surround yourself with reminders of why you pursued this field to reignite your inner spark.

Reward Small Milestones

Working for months towards one long-term goal can feel daunting. Celebrate your wins along the way. After a week of consistent studying, treat yourself to dinner at your favorite restaurant. Download that new album after conquering a tough chapter. Buy a small gift for yourself when you hit practice exam milestones. Build in frequent small rewards to stay motivated.

Take a Day Off

When you feel completely unmotivated, forcing yourself to study can be unproductive. You may just need a mental health day to recharge. Take a day off from studying, forget about the FE exam, and do something completely unrelated that you enjoy. Reset your mindset with a brief break from thinking about the exam. Just don’t take too many days off, as it can disrupt your momentum.

Get More Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can tank your motivation across all aspects of life. Ensure you are allowing your body adequate rest to function optimally. Your brain consumes a massive amount of energy while you are awake. If you are constantly tired, your motivation and ability to focus will suffer. Stick to consistent sleep hours aligned with your natural circadian rhythm.

Eat Brain Foods

Your diet significantly impacts energy levels and mental performance. Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, omega-3s, and antioxidants. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Avoid inflammatory foods that can impair cognition. Take a quality vitamin supplement. Getting proper nutrition provides the building blocks to fuel your motivation and intellect.

Envision the Finish Line

When motivation starts fading, envision the feeling of completing the FE exam. Imagine the weight lifted off your shoulders, the joy of seeing that “Pass” notification, and the flood of relief knowing it’s behind you. Use this vivid visualization of the finish line to pull yourself through when you feel like giving up. The exam will end, and you will miss feeling motivated, so make the most of it now.

The FE exam requires diligence, persistence, and sustained effort over months of studying. Motivation will ebb and flow throughout the process. By troubleshooting areas where your motivation is weak and being strategic about renewing inspiration, you can power through the inevitable down periods. Keep the end goal firmly planted and tackle each study session intentionally. With the right strategies, you can pass this challenging exam even when motivation feels out of reach. Consistency and perseverance will win the race. Now, get to studying!

Looking for a comprehensive exam review course to help you stay on track? School of PE offers FE exam prep to help you pass your exam with confidence. Explore our course options today!
About the Author: Khoa Tran

Khoa Tran is an electrical engineer working at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and is currently pursuing his master's in electrical Power from the University of Southern California. He is fluent in both Vietnamese and English and is interested in outdoor activities and exploring new things.

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