Monday 3 December 2018

PE Fire Protection Exam and Industry Trends

It's autumn once again, which means that the leaves are drying out, making wild fires more prominent. When thinking about fires, engineers are often looked over. When structures are designed, fire safety is a very important factor to put into consideration. Pursuing a career in fire protection engineering is very rewarding, as the industry is continuously growing and there are many jobs available.

To become licensed as a fire protection engineer, one must take and pass the PE Fire Protection exam. Check out some fire protection industry and exam statistics in the infographic below:

PE Fire Protection Exam and Industry Trends


Health and Safety Engineers. Retrieved from 

National Report of Wildland Fires and Acres Burned by State. Retrieved from intelligence/2017_statssumm/fires_acres17.pdf

Statistical reports on the U.S. fire problem. Retrieved from statistics/reports/

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