Monday, 19 November 2018

"Which FE Exam Should I Take?": Taking the FE Other Disciplines Exam in Undergraduate School

When I was a kid, I remember going to my family reunion every summer and getting asked TONS of questions about what I wanted to do with my life - more specifically, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" In the 4th grade, I wanted to be a teacher. But after that, I changed my mind practically every year. 
After going to college, transferring colleges, and changing my major, I finally decided what I wanted to do with my professional career. Since I'm writing this article now, you can probably guess that I have a background in journalism. And, if you're reading this, I can assume you are striving to become a professional engineer and are interested in learning about the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam
I get it - choosing what to do with the rest of your life at 18 years old can be difficult, and somewhat impossible at times. Luckily, since you are interested in engineering, you have a little more time than other fields to decide what discipline to go into. If you are looking to take the FE exam, there are seven disciplines you may choose from:
If you are unsure of which FE Exam to take, check out the FE Other (General) exam. This exam is PERFECT for those who do not know which specialty they want to go into. While the other six exams have very topic-specific exam specifications, the FE Other (General) exam combines topics from the other disciplines. You can look at the FE Other (General) exam specifications here.
When deciding which FE exam to take, it is also a great idea to evaluate the pass rates for an exam. Check out a breakdown of FE pass rates below: 
Overall Pass Rates
Exam* Pass Rate
FE Chemical 74%
FE Civil 69%
FE Electrical and Computer 71%
FE Environmental 76%
FE Industrial and Systems 61%
FE Mechanical 77%
FE Other Disciplines 74%
FE Other Exam Breakdown of Undergraduate Degree*
Program* Pass Rate
Architectural 66%
Civil 68%
Engineering Science 76%
Materials 76%
Mechanical 64%
Structural 100%
*As per NCEES 
*Only features examples of degrees that NCEES originally reported 
If looking at the pass rates makes you nervous, taking an FE exam prep review course can significantly increase your chance of passing the FE exam of your choosing. 
The FE Other (General) exam is great for those who are unsure of which engineering discipline they want to focus their career on. Apart from comparing exam specifications and pass rates for the different FE exams, it is always a great idea to call your state board and ask for advice. Happy studying!

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