Monday 3 August 2015

Changing trends of Online Learning

During the early days of Internet boom the Distant Learning Program benefited in making their course materials easily available for the students almost at low cost. Online courses could be termed as something that was an extension of the distant learning concept. But it gained its uniqueness as various Internet technologies advanced. The present day online courses are getting dynamic and advanced with their supportive study tools.

Benefits of online courses

Taking an online course has certain benefits to the student pressed for time as well as for getting ready for qualification certification programs while being actively employed or juggling with the term papers. Some of the common benefits of online courses are:

  • Taking a course at your convenience
  • Flexibility of choosing time, pace and place
  • Savings on transportation cost and travelling
  • Gaining precise skills based on job requirement
  • Recorded class material available for replay
  • Lesser carbon footprints with electronic course materials
  • Involving various social media for interactive learning fields

Online learning survey shows steady growth

Babson Survey Research Group, Pearson and The Sloan Consortium partnered to conduct an online learning survey in 2013 showing a steady growth in online courses. More learners are moving towards this form of educational platform because it provides easier mode of study by defining the learning space and optimizing the learning hour.

Changing faces of online course

One other marked trend that is found in these courses are the usage of various social media platforms and technology to create a learning environment which can be set up almost at any time or at any place. There is a growing trend for more professional output in the engineering fields, thus upscaling the maintenance of stringent quality standards and codes. Licensed Engineers are capable of upholding all the required quality standards in their line of work after the completion of the course. Now online courses are integrating various media to bring about a complete learning experience for students. The market for mobile classroom may not be far away as the online courses move from desktop to portable devices.

User-experience with School of PE

At School of PE, we provide various kinds of courses such as Onsite, Live Online and Ondemand courses. Of these courses, two courses fall under the category of online courses and they are Live Online and Ondemand Review Courses. Currently, these NCEES Exam review courses are provided virtually using advanced and reliable technology. There are various methods in which the students can interact and get personal guidance during the Online course.

Future of Online Learning

Online learning stands to gain strength and add value to the way certifications are provided for experiential education. As more students find themselves learning new skills almost pay half a regular college fee for a professional certification that would upscale their career prospects and increase their take homes.

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