Sunday 27 December 2015

An engineer's guide for passing the PE Exam

Principles and practice engineering exam or the PPEE exam as it is popularly referred to as, is one of the toughest examinations to pass. It evaluates in an elaborate manner the conceptual strength of a student as well as their expertise in selected majors. The basic eligibility criteria for applying for the professional engineer exam is passing the FE exam (Fundamentals of engineering exam). 

Brush up your long forgotten lessons

Although there are students who have managed to secure pass grades using their expertise in subjects of personal choice. Contrary to common belief, PE Exam prep will not require you to become an exponent in all the subjects. However, the probability of passing the exam is higher for those students who develop a strong command of all the subjects. 

Another facet of the PE exam is that it will test your understanding of engineering concepts. Some of the theories you may not have even thought of after completing your college education. Hence, it is wise to brush up on those lost memories and revise relevant topics to gain maximum from a PE exam prep course. Successful candidates recommend charting out a study strategy before starting your revision. A study strategy will help you stay focused, cover all applicable topics and stay on schedule to become fully prepared when the exams are due. 

Three popular Suggested study strategies

The broad approach that covers all the fundamental concepts is believed to be the best way for PE exam prep. This strategy requires you to update and revise all the fundamental concepts on all major subjects. The good news is that some of these topics would have been already covered during your undergraduate courses. It is no wonder that most engineers who passed this exam followed this broad way of PE prep course. 

It will be ideal to pick study solution with exam type approach. Questions with solutions aid in planning time allocation for each topic during the PE exam prep course. 

It is ideal for a student, who wants to do a quick revision to focus on those topic wise NCEES PE exam specifications, from which questions are largely expected from. However, this method of PE exam prep is quite risky. There is a large possibility that the topics you prepared on, might be completely omitted from the question set. 

The ideal way of studying will be to incorporate all important topics that are asked in the exam.

Sunday 20 December 2015

What to do after your PE Exam result?

Heartiest compliments to all the pass outs of October 2015- PE Examination. We commend your hard work in pursuing this exam and clearing it with flying colors. With a pass report in your kitty, you might be wondering about the next move you should be making, to put your results to best use. There are several perks you can enjoy after passing your exam and obtaining your PE license. 

Submit your result to respective state board to obtain your license

The first thing to do is to submit your PE Exam results to the respective state boards in order to obtain professional engineering license. With a professional engineering license in hand, you will earn yourself an important position with loads of advantages. As a licensed engineer you can sign, seal and submit engineering plans to a public authority.

The License will showcase to the world that you are aware of the critical elements of your job. Obtaining the license, marks you as a professional. Along with, the license also adds to your professional standards that's recognized by employers, government and public, granting them an assurance that you are skilled to do the job.

Also, unless you possess a PE license you cannot call yourself an engineer. If you wish to work for yourself as a consultant, then you will have to register yourself as a PE. You can work from anywhere in the country with your PE license. The license will speak volumes about your dedication, skill and quality.

So, after PE Exam results, you can apply and obtain the PE license. This will further allow you to register with the board of engineering in your new state where you intend to practice professional engineering. Once you obtain the license you can use your PE License throughout the US.

Showcase your designation

Showcase your designation wherever required. Start with using a "PE" or "P.E" designation on your business card. Mention the name of the state where you received your license and are licensed to carry out engineering related tasks. If required by your state,

  • you can list your license number, certificate or registration number on the business card depending on the state you live in
  • you can buy stamp / seal upon registration as a PE
  • you can practice engineering as a consultant
  • you can even use your license to design in certain areas / state

Obtain your wall certificate

The procedure to obtain your wall certificate varies from state to state. The wall certificate comes in few weeks or months' time after you have cleared the PE Exam. Depending on the state you are practicing professional engineering in:

  • you will have to request for the wall certificate
  • Though it's rare, but you are likely to pay a small price to obtain the wall certificate

Once you obtain your wall certificate you can choose to display it or keep it safely along with your other important certificates carefully. However

  • According to the requirements of some states the certificate needs to be on display for the benefit of the clients

Obtain stamp / Seal upon registration as a PE

Once you've registered as a PE Some states require you to obtain a stamp or seal. Although the requirement to possess it becomes mandatory only when you have to sign off on the finished designs. You can check with the state board and follow the applicable procedures, accordingly.

Possessing a stamp or seal does not demand proof of license therefore you do not have to follow stringent protocols. Also, the seal should ideally be round and include the phrase "professional engineer". It should also list your name, license number and the state name. 

Though not necessary, a stamp / seal would make an impact when you send out signed letters or contracts affixed with your signature and date. However, it has to be mandatorily used if you are taking the ownership for a design.

There is substantially enough steps to follow, once you've passed the PE Exam. These "to do's" will equip you in a better fashion to become a licensed professional engineer. So congrats again and all the best for your future endeavors!

Monday 7 December 2015

Why is equipment Specifications important for an Engineer?

Understanding equipment specifications is important to an engineer as knowing the right surgery tools is to a surgeon.

Equipment specifications are written documents or manuals that stipulate the method of production capacity, power requirement, fabrication methods and other finer details of the equipment that makes it apt for use. An engineer must have a clear understanding of equipment specifications to avoid equipment breakages. Here are five reasons that assert why an adept understanding of equipment specifications is important for an engineer.

Gives a better understanding of equipment design & operating principles

Equipment specifications provide a fine understanding of the equipment capabilities based on which the engineer can evaluate whether the equipment is appropriate to meet processing objectives. The equipment design, its metrics and capacity can be clearly understood from the equipment specifications.

PE review electrical engineering courses discuss briefly about how the equipment functions and what their specifications are. It can be rightly called as an owner manual of sorts based on which the engineer knows more about how to use the equipment to gain maximum output.

Helps order the right equipment

Different processes require different equipment with varying processing capabilities. In some cases, the equipment might look identical but might have unique and different features that make them suitable for exclusive functions.

Equipment specifications allows an engineer to implement better electrical engineering project construction process. It helps an engineer to make the right choice of an equipment that will serve the purpose without any hassles. Operational delays due to wrong equipment purchase can be avoided if equipment specifications are referred to prior to placing the order. Further the right devise with operational procedures will help achieve desired results.

Enables the electrical engineer to forecast power & processing demands

Each equipment has its power demand and processing capacity. Equipment specifications enable an engineer to forecast the power requirements of the equipment for a specific period accurately.

The production budget and related forecasts can also be aligned to the production capacity of the equipment effortlessly. The engineer who has qualified a PE Exam will be capable of understanding the work flow of the equipment to devise the right operational flow that will achieve optimum results. 

Facilitates selecting the right service conditions

Equipment specifications provide a detailed overview of the service conditions and processes to be followed for equipment maintenance. It helps the engineer in establishing routine equipment conditions like power supply, use of materials, usage frequency, etc. to keep the equipment in prime condition. Equipment specifications also provide insights on the indoor and outdoor conditions in which the equipment may or may not be used. 

Enables adherence to accurate specification standards

Misinterpretation of equipment specifications can cause severe fluctuations in the testing results. Before writing off the equipment as defective, it is necessary to check whether the right specification standards are used to determine its efficiency.

The use of applicable testing standards as laid down in the equipment specifications will help in an accurate evaluation of the equipment functioning without any deviation. It is the engineer's responsibility to ensure that the right testing standards as per the equipment specifications are used to derive an actual appraisal of the equipment's efficiency.

Bringing it all together

Equipment specifications enable an engineer to make the right logical decisions in circumstances where huge investments are involved. It helps to avoid costly mistakes that can disrupt production or cause material and human loss. An engineer will be able to sustain a steady level of activity with the help of equipment specifications used in day to day routine process.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

What do Construction Management jobs require?

Construction management jobs require aspirants to have a wide range of skillsets ranging from time management, people management to project execution. Construction managers are the key personnel who ensure that construction and building projects of mammoth sizes get completed on time with clockwork precision. Their job responsibility spans from planning for the construction activities to executing them without an iota of error.

Described below are some of the minimum requirements that are generally expected of an aspirant looking to become a construction manager.


It is necessary for candidates aspiring for construction management jobs to have necessary educational background in Civil Engineering, architecture, construction management, etc. There are plenty of educational institutions and universities that provide training and distance education courses that enable any interested candidate to become a construction manager. A two-year course in regular college or distance education course will suffice to be academically qualified.

Training as an added advantage for construction management

Although there is no hard and fast rule that an aspiring construction manager must have completed internship, a certain period of training under a reputed building firm will be an added advantage. The training period should provide the candidate to put into practice concepts that were learnt during the civil engineering course.

Work experience

Candidates with practical work exposure tend to have better chances of finding jobs in multinational corporations than those without any experience. Work experience should be in the form of managing key aspects of construction of projects. Although project size is important, the learning of the individual will also be put to test to evaluate his or her employability worthiness. There are a good number of construction managers who have reached the position without any backup of civil engineering degree or certification.

Licenses and affiliations

Construction being a serious activity with several legal complications involved, it is becoming increasingly important for construction managers to have licenses and affiliations with authorized agencies. In most cases, the university from where the student completes civil engineering course helps in securing membership with organizations that recognize professional construction managers. In other cases, the student has to initiate actions to be recognized as a professional construction manager.

Managerial skills required for construction management

A professional construction manager must be a combination of multifarious skillsets. He or she must be good at preparing and presenting cost estimates, make quick logical decisions based on given scenarios, display leadership at work, manage people and get work done from them without delay and so on. In other words, a civil engineering graduate must also hone his or her management skills in order to secure a promising career in the construction industry.


Building activity across the world is not going to slowdown in the near future. The demand for highly skilled and civil engineering qualified individuals is set to surge and promises a high flying career with great growth prospects.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Journey of Water Distribution Systems - From Water Source to Faucets

Overview of Water Distribution System

Water is a very important component of the human society. Since the beginning of civilization - cities, towns and communities have been built around reliable water sources. With each passing decade the technologies for bringing water from source to the faucets and eventually to the end user has been improving.

Infrastructure of a Water Distribution System

For a good water distribution system to be effective to provide a reliable and safe water to the end users must have the following:

  1. Collection
  2. Transmission
  3. Treatment
  4. Storage
  5. Distribution

Within this system the water travels from the source to the distribution point for consumption. But it also undergoes some contamination as it travels through the various underground and above ground channels. So therefore, water must be treated before being distributed for any of the following purposes:

  1. For residents
  2. For commercial purpose
  3. For industrial needs
  4. Irrigation
  5. Public needs such as Firefighting
  6. Potable water for public use

History of Water Distribution System

Shallow Wells: The earliest form of water distribution system was created near the rivers, lakes or springs by digging up Shallow Wells. Later, as the requirement for the water increased these wells became deeper. Shallow wells were mainly found in 2500 BC alongside the growing civilization.

Qanats: A new form of water distribution systems were the Qanats. This system was created by using slightly sloping tunnels driven into hillsides that had groundwater. The origin of this system dates back to ancient Persia about 700 BC. These were very much a live system in Tehran, Iran up until 1933.

Aqueducts: The Romans had been building this water system between 312 BC and 455 AD. They discovered an ingenious way of porting water from lakes or rivers to the central Rome. Some of these aqueducts are still in use. The longest aqueduct constructed is the Aqua Marcia in 144 BC.

Wooden Log Made into Supply Pipes: The first Water Distribution System in America was the bored-out logs made out of hemlock or elm trees. These logs were sometimes joined using bituminous-like pitch or tar to caulk the joist. Boston was the first city to have a waterworks system for their domestic and fire-fighting needs.

Cast-Iron Pipes: During the early 19th century the use of cast-iron pipes was introduced to withstand high pressure. With this new innovative system, it was possible to distribute water to individual homes of the communities.

20th Century Pipelines: In the construction of underground pipelines and tunnels, materials such as cast-iron, reinforced concrete, and steel were used to improve the safe drinking water distribution system thus improving the water quality.

Treatment of Water

As the water travels through the various transmission channels it becomes contaminated. The process of boiling and filtering water to make it disease free was available as a recorded edict in the Sanskrit text in 2000 BC. Later, a German Bacteriologist Robert Koch in Mid-19th Century discovered the cause for diseases to be the infected drinking water. The Germ theory of disease was established at that time. Based on this theory, it became vital to treat drinking water. By the end of 19th Century and very early 20th Century the water was treated to eliminate deadly waterborne diseases and make it a safe drinking water for the communities.

Sustainable Supply of Safe Drinking Water

Water distribution system plays a major role to avoid water scarcity and sometime to create water supply possible even in desert regions. It is not enough to set up the system; but it is equally important that these system needs to be monitored on a regular basis to provide safe drinking water. Singapore - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre is coming up with better water supply monitoring systems. Various ways of automated monitoring would ensure that the quality of the water is maintained and enhanced at the distribution point. An undergraduate taking the NCEES Civil Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE Exam) can brush up their knowledge of the Water Distribution System and water treatment with the aid of a Review course. 

Monday 31 August 2015

Important Update on Hazard Communication Standard

"Exposure to hazardous chemicals is one of the most serious threats facing American workers today," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis. "Revising OSHA's Hazard Communication standard will improve the quality and consistency of hazard information, making it safer for workers to do their jobs and easier for employers to stay competitive."

  OSHA Law and Regulation 

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was created to ensure safety in the workplace for all. Under OSHA law and regulation, employers are responsible for providing employees with a workplace safe from potentially hazardous chemicals and substances. Businesses must follow the Hazard Communication Standard and other enforceable standards in their facilities. Employers must follow these OSHA standards to keep their workplaces free from any form of serious recognized hazards from chemicals and substances. 

OSHA also ensures that these standards are communicated in universally understood methods to ensure workplace safety. This is done through education, training programs, and outreach and assistance to employers. 

OSHA's Revised Hazard Communication Standard 

In 2013 OSHA has aligned its Hazard Communication Standard with the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). 

These revisions to the Standard brought two important changes: 

  • Use of new labeling elements 
  • Standardized format for Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) 

Formerly the Standard enforced by OSHA was known as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs). The new revised standard will not only improve workers' understanding of the hazards connected with chemicals in the workplace but will also train them to take various precautions while working with them. OSHA, in order to help companies in implementing the new standards, has been phasing the new standards in since they were first drawn in December, 2013. They hope to have the new standard fully phased in by June 1, 2016. 

What are MSDS and SDS? 

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are generally the same. They are both documents that accompany hazardous chemicals and substances. These documents provide an outline of the dangers associated with the particular chemical or substance, their composition, the safe way of handling them, and how to safely dispose of them when necessary. 

Differences between MSDS and SDS There is little practical difference between MSDSs and SDSs, as they cover essentially the same information. The most significant difference between the two safety data sheet types is this: a SDS that is compliant with GHS mandates cannot be a MSDS. 

Earlier, MSDSs were maintained in three-ring binders. With the advent of the Internet OSHA's HCS mandates these data sheets must be kept in electronic format. If the company continues to use merely the old binders, then they are considered as noncompliant with OSHA regulations. 

16 Sections of SDSs' GHS Mandate Specifications 

The SDS had to be created and formatted in such a way that it conforms to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The GHS mandates makes 16 standardized sections compulsory, and they must be arranged in a specific order. The GHS mandates are being globally implemented to ensure a standard communication of chemical and substance hazards across international borders. 

The 16 sections of SDS should be provided in the fixed order to comply with Hazcom Standard. 

Section 1: Identification (Product name, Manufacturer name, address or contact details) 

Section 2: Hazard(s) (Chemical label elements) 

Section 3: Composition/information on ingredients 

Section 4: First-aid measures 

Section 5: Fire-fighting measures 

Section 6: Accidental release measures 

Section 7: Handling and storage 

Section 8: Exposure controls/personal protection 

Section 9: Physical and chemical properties 

Section 10: Stability and reactivity 

Section 11: Toxicological information 

Section 12: Ecological information* 

Section 13: Disposal considerations* 

Section 14: Transport information* 

Section 15: Regulatory information* 

Section 16: Other information including additional details. 

* SDS compliance by regulatory authority of other agencies 

Violation of the OSHA HCS regulations can lead to expensive penalties, fines and litigation expenses. This is why it is essential that companies make sure their Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) conform to the specification of OSHA's new GHS-mandated standards.

MSDS is a topic covered in the Chemical PE Exam specification under the Plant Design and Operation section.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Enjoy the Rollercoaster of Life - PE Exam and Work

An engineer's life in general can be compared to a fine balancing act of walking on a tightrope of choices. In the journey to become a professional engineer, the ability to make tough choice is important. Few of the State Boards have stipulated the need for four years of experience before sitting for the Principles and Practices of Professional Engineer Exam or PE Exam. In the intermittent duration, it is possible that you would have a family of your own with new responsibilities. In such a situation everything boils down to being able to grow socially, professionally and individually in an even pace by making tough personal and career choices.

Translating Happiness for Engineer-Interns

Paul Krassner is an American journalist and satirist who defined 'happiness' as something which has as little separation as possible between your work and your play. The expression 'work-life balance' first came into existence in United Kingdom in the late 1970s and in 1986 this expression found its way into the American society.

Naturally, given the above definition of happiness, finding the right view to what is important and what is not becomes essential. Human being are social being who play various roles when at work, with family or alone. It is simply impossible to remove any of these roles. Sometimes, none of these roles happen in sequence. With the advancement in the communication technology the demarcation of work and life is slowly dissolving. So it becomes all the more important that you are aware of the choices you make for your life and for your career.

Importance of Integrating Over Balancing

The best way to achieve your professional and personal goals is in how stringent a plan and schedule you create for all your commitments as a whole. It might help you, if you began your preparation for taking the PE Exam a year or so earlier. Then you may want to find out how you wish to achieve your ambition to gain a PE Licensure for upscaling your engineering career while maintaining your work-life balance. If you could integrate studying for the PE Exam well in advance then you set a learning pattern for getting familiar with the PE Exam syllabus.

When closer to the exam dates you may choose to study alone or with a fellow engineering friends aspiring to take the PE Exam. You can motivate each other and find creative ways in your exam preparation. You could do this by assigning a particular duration in your day for preparing for the exam. It is important to remain committed to the time that you assign. If your responsibility takes you away from the study time, then make sure you don't miss the next day's schedule.

Since you are your best judge you would be aware of your strengths and weakness. If working alone is not your strength then you may even wish to enlist for a PE Exam Review Course. These course will give you practice time for problems and sample tests while refreshing your engineering topics. Review Course providers generally will give you sample simulation test where you can find out your test timing and pacing issue. This then allows you to fix any issues at the early stages of study.

Some Tips and Tricks for PE Exam Preparation

Indexing and tabbing references allows you to get your reference material organized well. Use colorful indexing methods for individual topics and its related topics. This will help you to quickly find information during the examination.

Take a few practice test or simulated test to familiarize with the exam format. The saying 'practice makes you perfect' is true because this makes you ready to face certain type of trick questions. Answers to some questions might lie in the twisted wording used in them. Use caution when answering these questions.

Gain Confidence to Handle Your Work-Life-PE Exam

As the renowned poetess Maya Angelou says "everything in moderation, but moderation in moderation too." Try to find various ways to integrate preparation for PE Exam as a part of your happiness zone with good planning and scheduling.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Pass FE Exam and Gain a Career

We have all had dreams of becoming doctors, engineers, firemen, scientist, and teachers. Our childhood make-believe games used to carry within them our hidden passion for the respective fields. Surprisingly, only few find a way into the engineering stream though all have had fun playing the role in the childhood. So everything begins with a dream and becomes fortified goal for every individual engineer. There are ways to find out if engineering is in your passion zone. Do you harbor an extreme interest for math, logic, problem-solving, and of course, a keen interest in dismantling and assembling things? Rest assured you are down the right rabbit-hole for an exciting engineering a wonderland adventure.

Structuring Your College Life

Students joining the engineering college as undergraduates may not be aware of which engineering course best suits them. During those early years of college study, find ways to discover the precise engineering field where your passion and expertise can be best used. Make it a point to be involved in clubs and activities within your parameters that are related tasks that would help your engineering career within your tight course and social commitments schedules. An engineering student needs to prioritize their student life and future growth in an even keel. Sometimes, the field is such that, it requires you to make some sacrifices for long-term gain. Be wise in making the choices in your early stage of study life.

Debt-Free Engineering Career

When you decide to take an engineering program then attempt for a debt-free engineering career too. Among the many conventional financial aids find out if you are eligible for alternate or non-governmental funds. There are many Non-Profit and for Profit Organizations providing scholarship. Find out if you qualify for them and make use of it to reduce your overhead of studying for a professional engineering career.

Exploring Engineering without Borders

Gather as much field knowledge that you can while at Undergraduate level. There are movements to bring in new engineering ideas and solution to under developed countries with limited advancement in technology. Participating in such project chapters like 'Engineering Without Borders' helps you in building on your engineering design strengths and becoming a team player working with limited resources. In such project, you can innovate and thinking out of the box which becomes essential when you want to implement these experiential learning to best use in the future.

Planning Your FE Exam

If you decide to gain recognition for your ABET accredited undergraduate degree by the State Board through a NCEES Exam, then planning to take your FE Exam will be essential. Remember some essential sacrifices would lead to far higher later gains in your career. So make a wise choice even during your third year of under graduation to get ready for the FE Exam. You may decide to prepare on your own or do a group study with your fellow students based on your convenience. Alternately, you can choose to take up a FE Review Course with a review course providers and get exam ready.

Success Tip for FE Exam Preparation

Begin early and stay focused in your goal to become a professional engineer. The best way to tackle the pressures of student life and preparing for the FE Exam is based on making some serious life choices which you don't have to regret later. Start planning around your 3rd year of Undergraduate program. You could then structure your study plan to get the best out of it. Also find extrinsic and intrinsic support to pass the FE Exam which adds value to your ABET Accredited Degree.

Integrate Wisely Student Life-FE Exam-Career

Engineering undergraduate life can be excruciating but it also prepares you for the life ahead as a professional. It might be the great place to discover how you define important and not so important life choices. Find a way to wisely integrate working towards having your degree recognized and follow it up with a PE Exam. Discover and create memorable milestones in your Professional Engineering Career.

Monday 3 August 2015

Changing trends of Online Learning

During the early days of Internet boom the Distant Learning Program benefited in making their course materials easily available for the students almost at low cost. Online courses could be termed as something that was an extension of the distant learning concept. But it gained its uniqueness as various Internet technologies advanced. The present day online courses are getting dynamic and advanced with their supportive study tools.

Benefits of online courses

Taking an online course has certain benefits to the student pressed for time as well as for getting ready for qualification certification programs while being actively employed or juggling with the term papers. Some of the common benefits of online courses are:

  • Taking a course at your convenience
  • Flexibility of choosing time, pace and place
  • Savings on transportation cost and travelling
  • Gaining precise skills based on job requirement
  • Recorded class material available for replay
  • Lesser carbon footprints with electronic course materials
  • Involving various social media for interactive learning fields

Online learning survey shows steady growth

Babson Survey Research Group, Pearson and The Sloan Consortium partnered to conduct an online learning survey in 2013 showing a steady growth in online courses. More learners are moving towards this form of educational platform because it provides easier mode of study by defining the learning space and optimizing the learning hour.

Changing faces of online course

One other marked trend that is found in these courses are the usage of various social media platforms and technology to create a learning environment which can be set up almost at any time or at any place. There is a growing trend for more professional output in the engineering fields, thus upscaling the maintenance of stringent quality standards and codes. Licensed Engineers are capable of upholding all the required quality standards in their line of work after the completion of the course. Now online courses are integrating various media to bring about a complete learning experience for students. The market for mobile classroom may not be far away as the online courses move from desktop to portable devices.

User-experience with School of PE

At School of PE, we provide various kinds of courses such as Onsite, Live Online and Ondemand courses. Of these courses, two courses fall under the category of online courses and they are Live Online and Ondemand Review Courses. Currently, these NCEES Exam review courses are provided virtually using advanced and reliable technology. There are various methods in which the students can interact and get personal guidance during the Online course.

Future of Online Learning

Online learning stands to gain strength and add value to the way certifications are provided for experiential education. As more students find themselves learning new skills almost pay half a regular college fee for a professional certification that would upscale their career prospects and increase their take homes.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Tips and Tricks for Passing the FE Exam

Tips and Tricks for Passing the FE Exam

Passing the FE Exam is an important step in the career of a FE Engineer: it's the first step in obtaining a PE license. You need to be aware of the various nuances of the exam in order to prepare with confidence. Let's take a look at a few guidelines for passing the FE Exam.

Who is the FE Exam for?
The FE Exam is for graduates who are in the final year of their engineering degree or who have just completed their engineering degree.

What type of exam is the FE Exam?
The FE Exam is a computer-based exam that can be taken at any Pearson VUE authorised test centre.

The Exam Format
The FE Exam has 110 multiple-choice questions and is approximately six hours long. You will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before taking the exam. Out of the six hours, eight minutes is devoted to a tutorial and there is one 25-minute break, leaving five hours and twenty minutes of actual test time. You will also need to take a brief survey. The FE Review prepares you to face the multiple-choice format.

Mastering the FE Exam Syllabus
The syllabus for the FE Exams is listed on the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website. The syllabi for the respective engineering disciplines are listed separately for the FE and PE Exams. Reviewing the syllabus ahead of time is a good starting point for exam preparation. The FE Exam Review will also help you to familiarize yourself with the FE Exam syllabus.

Joining a Prep Program
By joining a prep program, you can gain a better understanding of the important topics for the exam. Experienced instructors with both industry and academic experience will be able to guide you on the path to exam success.

Buying the Right Books
Purchasing the right books is essential to prepare for the exam. The FE Review Manual, 3rd Edition, by Michael R. Lindeburg, P.E., is a highly useful book for any engineer preparing for the FE Exam. The FE Exam Review course will recommend other helpful books and resources.

Watch YouTube and Vimeo Videos
There are many interesting and educational videos on topics relevant to FE Exam prep on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. If you're willing to invest a little time in searching for them, viewing these videos can help you get a good idea of the range of subjects covered by the exam or help you gain a deeper understanding of any specific theory of practical topic.

Do a Group Study
Group study will allow you to collaborate with other students and benefit from their knowledge. Every person is gifted differently, and other students may have skills and expertise you lack. What may be a particularly difficult area of study for you may come easily to one of your fellow students, and vice versa. So, collaborate, share knowledge, and help each other out!

Visit Libraries
Visiting libraries will help you get access to additional books and journals that will help you to prepare for the exam. The variety of books in a library will keep you engaged and the quiet atmosphere at the library will help you to concentrate on your studies without distractions.

Connecting with Groups in Social Media
You can connect with engineering groups on social media that freely discuss their knowledge. This type of "social learning" synergizes the knowledge of people from around the world. You can ask questions and get answers from many people in the group, and share pictures, videos, or other resources that have been helpful to you with others.

We hope these guidelines and tips are helpful to you as you begin to prepare for the FE Exam, and we wish you the best of luck!

School of PE offers courses to help Engineers with their PE and FE exam preparations. Know more at

Tuesday 2 June 2015

How to Meet Quality Standards during production of Ball Bearing

A ball bearing is a rotating element which is made up of a combination of balls, bearing races and all created with materials that reduces friction while supporting radial and axial loads. These ball bearings play an important role in machines. A ball bearing consists of four main parts the outer race, the inner race, the rolling balls and the separator. There is a stringent need to maintain the quality standards of the materials used and assembled for these bearings because of the usage in sensitive areas.

Testing them is important and required, if the ball bearings are going to be used in the equipment used in space, medical equipment, or other areas where the precision of these elements ensures accurate working of the equipment.

"Annular Bearings Engineers Committee" (ABEC) has come out with various classes that ensure the quality standards of the various bearing's parts that are created for the specific machines. The quality of ball bearing are tested by verifying for their Tolerance, Torque, Stiffness, Accuracy and Lubrication. These are calculated and tested to exact minute precision units. This makes the ball bearing more predictable and more cost effective.

Tolerance: Ball bearing has to adhere to ABEC tolerance requirement. When the size and form of the ball bearings are calibrated and meets specified standard code or class, then it meets the required quality standard specifications.

Torque: The bearing torque can be calculated and can be tested with Torque quality testing devices. When there is requirement for a very precise equipment then elements performance should be high and maintenance should be low or minimal. Manufacturers have to make sure that the bearings are created with high performance and low maintenance goals in their mind.

Stiffness: While manufacturing the ball bearing, it is important that the stiffness of the components are maintained. It is essential to test for the stiffness of the bearing over prolonged rough usage under various weather conditions. The testing of bearing under various condition such as heat, cold, or fluctuating temperature provides the needed data to make it function across various weather conditions by taking the rectification steps during manufacturing process.

Accuracy: ABEC places a high importance on the ball bearings to be as accurate as possible in their size, dimension and weight. Given that, all bearings which are often made with stainless steel or other alloys do not necessarily be accurate. In order to get the precise count, the parts of the bearings are put through a lot of strict manufacturing process before it is declared ready. It cannot be stressed enough why these parts should be accurate to minute millimeters. Since highest sensitivity of the elements are expected in certain industries where it is used.

Lubrication: Some ball bearings comes with lubrication. In such case, the manufacturers should take great care that no contaminant gets into the lubricated parts of the ball bearing. If the ball bearing gathers dust, then it may not function properly. So it is important to test them in dust-free environment.

The FE Exam Review Course brushes up on relevant topics listed by NCEES for their FE Exam and through this exam NCEES can assess the knowledge of the Student related to the quality control and quality assurance of production.

Monday 18 May 2015

Bollards - A Civil Engineering Traffic Control Device that is Indispensable for Traffic Management and Safety

Bollards Types and their Applications

There are different types of structures in Civil Engineering that serve different purposes. A Bollard is one such structure. A Bollard is a vertical structure that comes in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Historically, Bollards were used in harbours to tie the ships and boats when they land. Nowadays, bollards find a wide range of usages. Bollards are made up of timber, steel, concrete, and PVC . 

There are different types of Bollards. They are:

  • Fixed 
  • Retractable 
  • Robotic 
  • Protective 
  • Illuminated 
  • Bell
  • Timed 
  • Artistic 

(i) Fixed Bollards: Bollards are widely used to deflect and divert traffic. There may be places near an office where you want only a pedestrian to walk. You may not want vehicles to interrupt the easy and safe movement of pedestrians. In such situations, short vertical bollards can be arranged in a certain design or sequence that prevent the movement of vehicles. Pedestrians will be easily able to walk around these areas protected by bollards. Fixed Bollards are found at The United States Courthouse at Foley Square. 

(ii) Retractable Bollards: Some bollards that are placed on roads are retractable. They are present when there is no vehicle and pedestrians can walk around it. But when a truck has to pass through the road, these bollards can be brought down and merge with the ground. This movement makes the road normal and vehicles can travel smoothly. Retractable Bollards are found at the City Hall, Manhattan. 

(iii) Robotic Bollards: Robotic Bollards are special type of bollards that have motorized wheel. This type of bollard is in the ideation and prototype stage with University of Nebraska, Lincoln. These bollards are designed to be moved from a waiting position away from the road to various points on the road using a laptop and satellite tracking systems. These robotic bollards will be very useful as they prevent men from manually working in hazardous areas. An approaching vehicle will capture an image of the road using a camera and send it to a workers laptop. The workers will then use the software in the laptop to arrange the bollards in sequence. This deployment of robotic bollards will save the life of many workers as well as travellers/passengers. 

(iv) Protective Bollards: Bollards are also used for public safety during construction. Bollards are placed around heavy machinery in construction project sites. This is to prevent any damage to assets when any random vehicle happens to move haphazardly. The bollard will act as a protective cover and stops the vehicle from hitting the assets. Downtown Brooklyn Courthouse is surrounded by protective bollards. 

(v) Illuminated Bollards: There are bollards that can be illuminated. These illuminated bollards can serve as street signs or used for lighting in streets. Illuminated bollards are found in Bexley, United Kingdom. 

(vi) Bell Bollards: Bell Bollards are short bell-shaped bollards. The curves of the bell are used by car drivers to pass over when they make a U-turn or roll around. Bell Bollards are found in Geelong, Australia. 

(vii) Timed Bollards: Some bollards come with timers. These bollards will allow access only during certain times of the day. But if there is an emergency, this timing facility can be overridden. Timed Bollards are used at entrance to Columbia University Campus. 

(viii) Artistic Bollards: Some bollards have exquisite artwork on them and serve as tourist attractions also. Artistic Bollards shaped like a mushroom are found in Antwerp, Belgium. 

Benefits of Bollards: Bollards can save lives, reduce traffic congestion, and prevent accidents and injuries. Bollards can create better public spaces and reduce illegal parking spaces. Bollards can create Liveable Streets with separate and safe spaces for children and senior citizens to walk around. Calming the roads is achieved using Bollards. Traffic Management and Public Safety is possible through Bollards. You can create separate lanes for buses, bikes, and for landscaping by using bollards.

Bollard is an important topic that is covered under PE Civil Engineering course.