Thursday 29 February 2024

Perfect Timing: When to Take the FE Exam

Embarking on a career in engineering requires determination, expertise, and a commitment to continuous learning. As you journey towards becoming a professional engineer, one pivotal question arises: When is the right time to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam? In this blog, we will explore this crucial topic and provide insights that will guide you through this important milestone. Whether you're a curious student seeking clarity or a seasoned professional considering further licensure, join us as we unveil the secrets to choosing the perfect time to take the FE exam.

Perfect Timing: When to Take the FE Exam

The FE Exam Unveiled

Imagine the FE exam as a thrilling adventure where you showcase your engineering knowledge and skills. The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) administers this comprehensive test to evaluate your understanding of fundamental engineering concepts across various disciplines. It's like a rite of passage, designed to assess your readiness to tackle real-world engineering challenges. The exam, delivered via computer, consists of multiple-choice questions and is the first step towards obtaining the Professional Engineer (PE) license-an esteemed credential that unlocks exciting career opportunities and signifies your commitment to engineering excellence.

Choosing the Perfect Moment

Timing is everything when it comes to taking the FE exam. So, when should you seize this opportunity? Ideally, consider taking the exam when you have completed most of your college engineering coursework or are close to graduation. This ensures that you have covered the necessary material and have the foundation to excel.

However, remember that success requires strategic planning. Evaluate your schedule and determine when you can dedicate ample time to studying. Balancing other commitments, such as work or personal obligations, is essential to optimize your preparation efforts. Create a study plan, explore review materials, and practice sample questions to sharpen your skills and boost your confidence.

Practical work experience may help solidify your understanding of engineering concepts and their real-world applications. While it is not a mandatory requirement, some professionals choose to take the exam after gaining some industry experience to reinforce their knowledge and approach the exam with a practical perspective.

Always consider what your long-term career goals are and how obtaining the FE certification aligns with or enhances them. Passing the FE exam is the first step in obtaining a Professional Engineer (PE) license, which may be required for greater engineering career opportunities. If your career aspirations involve becoming a licensed engineer, it's generally advisable to take the FE exam early on.


Earning your FE certification paves the road to engineering excellence, challenging your years of schooling and potential industry experience and unlocking grander opportunities. If you perfectly time when you complete the exam, you will be able to embark on a journey towards professional growth and distinction. Remember, the right time to take the FE exam is when you have completed or are nearly completed with your engineering studies, when you can dedicate focused time to review and prepare, and when you feel ready to showcase your skills and knowledge. Embrace the adventure, sharpen your engineering prowess, and embark on a future filled with endless possibilities. The FE exam is your gateway to engineering greatness-let it be the catalyst for your success!

No matter when you decide to take your FE exam, School of PE can help you along the way. Register now for one of our top-rated FE exam review courses.

About the Author: Khoa Tran

Khoa Tran is an electrical engineer working at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and is currently pursuing his master's in electrical Power from the University of Southern California. He is fluent in both Vietnamese and English and is interested in outdoor activities and exploring new things.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Ethics for Engineers: The Essentials from NCEES' FE Reference Handbook

Ethics are the moral codes that guide the actions and decisions of our everyday lives with one another. In the world of engineering, ethical decisions are pivotal in ensuring the safety, well-being, and welfare of the public. These ethical decisions range from a variety of virtues, such as integrity, honesty, and objectivity, which engineers must uphold in their professional lives. For instance, when an engineer works on a critical infrastructure project such as a bridge, they have a moral duty to prioritize public safety over any personal or financial gain.

In this blog, we will discuss the essential topics in the Ethics section covered in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) reference handbook.

Ethics for Engineers: The Essentials from NCEES' FE Reference Handbook

The Model Rules of Professional Conduct in Section 240.15

This section establishes the guidelines that ensure the protection of the public's health, safety, and welfare, as well as the maintenance of integrity and high standards in the engineering and surveying professions.

Licensees are mandated to prioritize public well-being, sign and seal documents that adhere to accepted standards, and notify authorities if their professional judgment is overridden in a way that endangers public welfare (NCEES, 2022, 4). They should also provide complete and objective information in professional documents and express professional opinions based on factual knowledge and competent evaluation.

The Model Law in Section 110.20

In this section, it provides definitions related to the practice of engineering and surveying. Clarifying the terms used in the Act, including various professional titles and statuses (NCEES, 2022, 12).

  • Engineer: an individual qualified to practice engineering based on education, training, and experience
  • Professional Engineer: someone duly licensed in a specific discipline or branch of engineering
  • Professional Engineer, retired: a licensed professional engineer who has chosen not to renew their license
  • Engineer Intern: an individual certified by the board
  • Practice of Engineering: services requiring engineering education and experience that potentially affect public health, safety, and welfare, including planning, designs, coordination, and technical submissions.

The Model Law in Section 130.10

Here, it outlines the requirements for licensure as a professional engineer or surveyor. Eligibility includes good character, meeting education and experience criteria, passing exams, and submitting references.

For engineers, there are stages: Engineer Intern certification and licensure as a Professional Engineer. Education, examination, and experience requirements must be met. Licensure by comity is possible for qualified applicants. The section also references surveying requirements. These criteria ensure that licensed professionals meet the necessary standards for practice (NCEES, 2022, 13).

The Model Law in Section 150.10

Detailing grounds for disciplinary action against licensees and interns, the board has the authority to suspend, revoke, fine, or refuse to issue or renew a license or certification for various reasons. These include fraud, negligence, misconduct, criminal convictions, failure to comply with the law or regulations, discipline by other jurisdictions, providing false information, aiding violations, practicing outside of competence, unethical conduct, substance abuse, and more (NCEES, 2022, 14-15).

The board may also impose fines based on factors such as deterrence, severity of the violation, risk to the public, economic benefits gained, and consistency with past fines. These provisions ensure accountability and protection of the public in the engineering and surveying professions.

The Model Law in Section 150.30

This section outlines grounds for disciplinary action against unlicensed individuals in the field of engineering and surveying. The board has the authority to fine and recover costs from unlicensed individuals who engage in the practice of engineering or surveying without proper licensure, use restricted professional terms, present false credentials, commit fraud, impersonate licensees, or use expired or nonexistent licenses. The fine for each offense cannot exceed a specified amount, and each day of continued violation may be considered a separate offense (NCEES, 2022, 15).

Factors such as deterrence, circumstances of the violation, risk to the public, economic benefits gained, public interest, and consistency with past fines may be taken into account when determining the fine amount. The aim of these provisions is to regulate and protect the public from unlicensed individuals practicing in the engineering and surveying domains.

The Model Law in Section 160.10

It establishes the general requirements for obtaining a certificate of authorization for firms practicing or offering engineering or surveying services. Firms engaging in these activities must obtain a certificate of authorization from the board, except in cases where the firm performs engineering or surveying exclusively for itself, its parent company, or its subsidiary (NCEES, 2022, 15-16).

The secretary of state is prohibited from accepting organizational papers or issuing certificates to firms that include the words "engineer," "engineering," "surveyor," "surveying," or related variations in their objectives or name unless the board has issued a certificate of authorization or an eligibility letter. Additionally, the secretary of state cannot authorize trade names, trademarks, or service marks that contain these restricted words, except for licensees and firms with valid certificates of authorization.

These provisions are in place to ensure that proper regulation and control are used among professional titles and marks in the engineering and surveying fields.

The Model Law in Section 160.70 

It outlines the grounds for disciplinary action against firms holding a certificate of authorization. The board is empowered to suspend, revoke, fine, or refuse to issue, restore, or renew a certificate of authorization for various violations.

These violations include fraud, negligence, incompetence, misconduct, criminal convictions, failure to comply with the law or board regulations, discipline by other jurisdictions, false statements, aiding in violations, and unethical conduct. Firms may also be fined for each offense, with the amount determined by the board based on factors such as deterrence, severity, and public interest. Additionally, the board can impose sanctions on firms when their managing agents or officers are found guilty of violating the law or regulations, including probation, fines, reprimand, or revocation of the certificate of authorization (NCEES, 2022, 16).


Scenario: Sarah is a licensed engineer working for a construction firm. She is responsible for overseeing the construction of a high-rise building. During the construction process, Sarah becomes aware of a significant structural defect that could potentially compromise the safety of the building. She knows that immediate action is required to rectify the issue.

Which of the following actions aligns with the licensee's obligation to the public?

A) Sarah ignores the structural defect as it may cause delays and additional costs to the project.
B) Sarah informs her employer and takes appropriate measures to address the structural defect promptly.
C) Sarah conceals the defect to avoid damaging the reputation of her firm.
D) Sarah waits until the project is completed and then anonymously reports the defect to the local authorities.

Answer: B) Sarah informs her employer and takes appropriate measures to address the structural defect promptly.

Explanation: According to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, licensees have a primary responsibility to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public. In this scenario, Sarah's discovery of a significant structural defect poses a potential risk to the safety of the building and its occupants. To fulfill her obligation to the public, Sarah should promptly inform her employer and take appropriate actions to address the defect. By doing so, she prioritizes public safety over personal concerns and ensures that necessary measures are taken to rectify the issue.


The model rules outlined throughout this blog provides a comprehensive framework for the regulation and disciplinary actions regarding the practice of engineering and surveying. These rules cover a wide range of violations, including fraud, negligence, misconduct, criminal convictions, failure to comply, false statements, aiding in violations, and unethical conduct. The disciplinary actions available to the board include suspension, revocation, probation, fines, reprimand, and refusal to issue or renew licenses or certificates of authorization. The fines imposed take into account factors such as deterrence, severity, economic benefits gained, and the interest of the public. Moreover, the rules extend to both individual licensees and firms holding certificates of authorization, ensuring accountability at both levels. By enforcing these model rules, regulatory bodies can maintain the integrity and professionalism of the engineering and surveying professions, safeguarding the public and upholding ethical standards.


NCEES. (2022, July). FE Reference Handbook 10.2.

About the Author: Khoa Tran

Khoa Tran is an electrical engineer working at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and is currently pursuing his master's in electrical Power from the University of Southern California. He is fluent in both Vietnamese and English and is interested in outdoor activities and exploring new things.

Thursday 15 February 2024

Closing the Skills Gap: Upskilling, Reskilling, and Cross-Skilling Your Team

The success of any organization is directly related to the strength of your team. Providing your employees with ongoing training boosts productivity, ensures the retention of top performers, and lays the groundwork for a culture that values professional growth and development. It is imperative that employees acquire the appropriate skills for their own growth as well as the benefit of the company. Once acquired, they must also have ample opportunities to apply those skills.

So, where do you begin? Upskilling, reskilling, and cross-skilling are effective methods to help employees broaden their skill sets and achieve personal and organizational objectives. Although these strategies are similar, they are utilized differently to build on your team's existing expertise.

In this guide, we will discuss upskilling, reskilling, and cross-skilling, the benefits of each, and how they can ultimately help you develop a more proficient, better-functioning team. We'll also identify strategies to implement training using readily available resources.
Closing the Skills Gap: Upskilling, Reskilling, and Cross-Skilling Your Team

Upskilling for Increased Knowledge

Upskilling is a means for employees to gain new skills that will help them in their current roles and beyond. This type of training increases their competency level, so they are better qualified to take on new tasks and responsibilities. Upskilling should be an ongoing process that allows employees to quickly adapt to both organizational and industry changes.

Some benefits of upskilling include:

  1. Fill skill gaps within the organization
  2. Maximize employee potential and productivity
  3. Foster a culture of continuous learning
  4. Improve job satisfaction

Such training ultimately provides your employees with essential growth and development opportunities while also supporting your business objectives.

Reskilling to Meet Future Demands

Reskilling involves training employees to learn new skills either to transition into a different role within the organization or to meet the changing demands in their existing role. This may occur when their previous responsibilities become obsolete due to technological advancements or skill gaps. Reskilling is often preferable to hiring new talent and reduces training and hiring costs.

Some benefits of reskilling include:

  1. Retention of top talent and company knowledge
  2. Increased internal mobility
  3. Improved workplace morale
  4. More flexibility among team members

As employees take on new tasks and responsibilities, they must acquire the relevant skills to succeed in these roles.

Cross-Skilling for Versatility

The goal of cross-skilling is to empower team members to develop skills covering a variety of roles and functions in addition to their own. This allows them to better understand different roles and perform them as needed. The idea is to provide support internally rather than outsourcing, hiring new talent, or potentially overworking certain employees.

Some benefits of cross-skilling include:

  1. Greater productivity
  2. Better collaboration + teamwork
  3. Improved operational efficiency
  4. Greater retention

Having more employees with operational knowledge of different tasks increases flexibility and adaptability while better preparing your organization for unplanned events, such as absences or a higher volume of work. It also provides ample opportunities to see which of your team members might be ready for more cross-functional, higher-level roles within the company.

Getting Started

Providing an environment of ongoing training and professional development is an effective way to address skill gaps, meet changing industry demands, and ultimately build a more highly skilled team. Implementation within your existing program may be easier than you think.

Begin by evaluating your team's current skills and career goals to determine what may best suit their needs going forward. This includes identifying skill gaps, interest in training, and areas of opportunity for professional growth. As you establish how to incorporate the new program with your existing learning & development efforts, you may realize that you already have some elements of upskilling, reskilling, or cross-skilling in place.

Bringing it all Together

As more and more skills are added to your team members' arsenals, another great way to show your commitment to their ongoing development is to invest in their professional licensure. Partnering directly with a reputable licensure exam prep company, such as School of PE, can be a cost-effective way for your team to achieve their organizational and professional development goals. We can tailor a program exclusively for your organization based on internal processes or areas of concentration.

With 20 years of experience in exam preparation and continuing education, our goal is to help your employees grow their careers through licensure and ongoing training. Our comprehensive, expert-instructed courses offer:

  • 93% pass rates
  • 24/7/365 student support
  • Affordable made-to-order course packages
  • Pass guarantee for eligible students

By working directly with School of PE, your employees will have access to our highly acclaimed courses and learning materials at a fraction of our per-student pricing available to individuals. In addition, you will have access to our user-friendly administrative portal, allowing you to monitor your team's progress and making it easier for you to facilitate the program's success.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact us today at or by phone at (614) 873-7475 to learn more about how School of PE can help your team increase their skills and advance their careers through licensure and professional development.
About the Author: Amy Eagleeye

Amy Eagleeye has been with School of PE since 2019, and her current role is Senior B2B Growth & B2C Content Specialist. She received her BA in Communications/Print Media from the University of Toledo and has extensive experience with editing, copywriting, and content development in a variety of industries. In her free time, she enjoys painting, birdwatching, and traveling.

Thursday 8 February 2024

FE Exam Application Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide

FE Exam Application Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide
Are you an aspiring engineer looking to kickstart your professional journey? The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is a crucial step towards obtaining your engineering license.

What is the FE Exam?

The FE exam is a comprehensive assessment examination by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), which tests the examinee’s aptitude in the field of engineering. Passing the FE is the first step in obtaining a professional engineer (PE) license in the United States. This exam will go over a wide range of engineering topics and assess your understanding of fundamental principles and problem-solving skills.

Why is the FE Exam Important?

Obtaining an engineering license opens up a world of opportunities. It demonstrates your competence and expertise to employers, clients, and regulatory bodies. It also serves as a stepping stone for pursuing advanced engineering licensure and enhancing your professional credibility.

Steps on How to Apply for the FE Exam

Applying for the FE exam is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the application:

  1. Verify Eligibility Requirements

    Before applying, confirm that you satisfy the eligibility requirements set by the licensing board in your state or jurisdiction. These requirements may include educational qualifications, completion of certain coursework, or work experience. You can check for eligibility at this website. Select the correct country and state accordingly.

    Exam Registration and Requirements by State
    Figure 1

  2. Registration:

    The FE exam is provided and administered by the NCEES. After confirming that you are eligible to take the FE, visit and register at the NCEES website here:

  3. Application:

    Once your account has been made, go to and select "Register for an Exam". A step-by-step guide will assist you in filling out the application form; provide accurate personal information, educational details, and any required supporting documentation.

  4. Application Fee:

    An application fee will need to be paid when registering for the FE exam. Review the fee structure on the NCEES website and make the payment using the preferred method specified by NCEES, such as credit card or electronic funds transfer.

  5. Authorization:

    As soon as your application has been processed and approved by NCEES, they will send out an authorization to test (ATT) email. This email will contain important information, such as your candidate ID and instructions for scheduling your exam.

  6. Scheduling:

    Following the instructions provided in the ATT email, visit the NCEES website or contact the approved exam administration provider in your state to schedule your exam. Review and select a convenient date and location from all the available options.

  7. Exam Preparation:

    After scheduling your exam, it is time to start your exam preparation. Create a study plan, gather study materials, and dedicate sufficient time to review the exam topics, solve practice problems, and familiarize yourself with the FE Reference Handbook.

  8. Exam Date:

    On the scheduled exam day, arrive at the testing center early to allow time for check-in procedures. Bring your valid identification documents, such as a government-issued ID, as required by the testing center. Listen and follow the instructions provided by your proctor and complete the exam within the allotted time.

  9. Exam Results:

    After completion, the results of the exam will be sent directly to you by NCEES. The results are typically available within a few weeks. If you pass the exam, congratulations! If not, you can retake the exam as allowed by your state's licensing board.

Remember to check the specific requirements and deadlines of your state or jurisdiction, as the application process may vary slightly. Stay organized, start early, and approach the application process with confidence. Good luck on your FE exam journey!

Looking to increase your chances of passing your FE exam to 93%? Check out one of School of PE's FE exam prep courses today.
About the Author: Khoa Tran

Khoa Tran is an electrical engineer working at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and is currently pursuing his master's in electrical Power from the University of Southern California. He is fluent in both Vietnamese and English and is interested in outdoor activities and exploring new things.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Pencils Down: Transitioning from Pencil-and-Paper to CBT Exams

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exams have traditionally been conducted as pencil-and-paper-based exams, but there has been a significant shift occurring in the world of professional engineering certification exams. A migration to modernity: the change from pencil-and-paper-based testing to computer-based testing (CBT) impacts aspiring engineers, professionals, and the engineering industry as a whole. This blog aims to cover the multiple reasons behind this transition and provide a comprehensive exploration of how it affects you as a test taker and potential engineer.

The Advantages of CBT

Pencils Down: Transitioning from Pencil-and-Paper to CBT Exams

A key advantage of CBT over traditional pencil-and-paper testing is in its speed and efficiency. Gone are the days of waiting for exams to be printed, distributed, and collected; instead, with CBT, the grading and feedback process is instantaneous, allowing you to receive your results much faster. This not only helps to eliminate prolonged result anxiety but also accelerates the licensure process, enabling you to begin your professional career sooner.

Flexibility is another significant benefit of CBT. In the past, FE exams were only available to a limited selection of dates and testing facilities. Transitioning away from the pencil-and-paper exam format means that more facilities are able to offer the FE exam, allowing greater control over scheduling your exam. Multiple testing windows are available throughout the year, and you can choose a date and location that aligns with your convenience. This newfound flexibility empowers you to plan your preparation and exam day in a way that suits your personal circumstances, ultimately reducing unnecessary stress.

Enhanced Test Experience

Another benefit of CBT is an enhanced interactive test-taking experience. You can expect to see various question types, such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and drag-and-drop, as opposed to just multiple-choice, as seen on the pencil-and-paper exam. Additionally, the exam interface features highlighting capabilities, the option to mark questions for review, and a calculator, enabling greater freedom and less stress in terms of going back to questions that you may have missed or needed more time on.

Adapting to the Digital Age

As engineers have innovated further into the digital age, it comes to reason that the test-taking experience for prospective professional engineers should also imbue modernity. Modern engineers rely heavily on computer applications, simulations, and modeling software, and by conducting exams in a digital environment, the testing process more accurately mirrors real-world engineering practices.

Preparation for the Exam

Your exam preparation strategy needs to adjust accordingly to match the test-taking environment. While the content and topics covered in the FE exams remain unchanged, it's the format and delivery of questions that will differ. To properly adapt, simulate a computer-based test environment by utilizing available practice exams and online resources. Become comfortable with the digital interface, learn how to quickly navigate the available reference sheet using the search function, and ensure that you are able to complete the practice problems within the allotted time frame with the new tools.


The transition of FE exams from a pencil-and-paper-based system to a computer-based one is a positive shift that benefits not only the test takers but also the test administrators. The advantage of increased availability, flexibility, and timeliness enhances the overall test-taking experience and decreases unnecessary stress. Adapting to the digital age and adjusting your exam preparation strategies accordingly, you can increase your chances of passing the FE exam. It's time to embrace the change and equip yourself with the skills needed to thrive in the modern engineering landscape.

School of PE's courses feature a Question Bank that emulates the CBT exam experience-it is a great study tool to build your confidence for the exam. You can purchase access to our Question Bank individually or gain access by registering for a course.
About the Author: Khoa Tran

Khoa Tran is an electrical engineer working at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and is currently pursuing his master's in electrical Power from the University of Southern California. He is fluent in both Vietnamese and English and is interested in outdoor activities and exploring new things.